01 January 2013


So i am not a big New Years Resolutions follower, but i do think having goals and a plan or idea of where you wanna be and what you wanna do for the year could never hurt, so I am going to give it a shot. The year 2013 means a lot to me. Its gonna be a big year! I am going to be finishing out my senior year which means a lot in itself (prom, senior trip, etc) and then GRADUATION!!!! The summer of 2013 is going to be spent with my best friend sophia traveling to Australia! The fall of 2013 will mean leaving my family for the first time to go live six hours away in Lynchburg Virginia at Liberty University! The fact that next year at this time i will be in college is the most scary/exciting thing ever! Anyway if there is one year that would be life changing to me 2013 is it!! So with all these big things happening i thought of some small high value resolutions I want to obtain and sustain over the next year!

1. To be content.
I am the kind of person who is always doing something always busy doing this or that, if your doing nothing your missing out on something is kind of the philosphy iv lived by, and i am always critized for  trying to fit in too much. Iv had acouple mental breakdowns already because of it. I think i have become a little paranoid about trying to do it all, wanting to be friends with everyone and be a part of everything. There is always gonna be another party, there is always gonna be other people and im not gonna be invited to everything. Not everyone is going to love me (even though thats hard for me to grasp) and theres just nothing i can do about it! I need to accept that! I want to be able to be content with who my friends are and what im doing in my life and not always be focused on whats up next. I want to slow down and smell the roses. I take things very personally and am overly sensitive so this is gonna be a challenge. But i am going in with the new mindset of whoever wants me in their life, will have me there. If someone dosent want me, its their loss. I have an amazing life and amazing people in it and i want to be content with that, because its more than enough!

2. Be a better friend.
I have been slacking in this department lately, I am usually the person that remembers the little things, and goes out of my way for people especially my friends, but with all the commotion and business of life i have just not made time for people who deserve it! Having little different relationships with a million people dosent mean anything if you dont have good long lasting friendships with people who matter, and friendships take time and commitment, you invest in them. I want people to be able to say she is a good friend.

3. Be Healthy.
This includes all aspects of life, spiritually, mentally, physically. I have gotten tired and lazy and I cant live that way. I need to make sure i am healthy and have balance in my life. If i am healthy i will live a happier life. I also want to make healthy lifestyle changes which include the environment. I want to be less of a consumer. I want to be a vegetarian. Baby steps will get me there but overall i want to feel healthy and happy.

4. Not to be Afraid.
I dont want to be afraid to try new things. I want to exsperience all life has to offer, and with all the big changes comming up, I am scared. But I want to live this year with the mindset of asking myself: when was the last time you tried something for the first time? I think comfortability sometimes lets us miss out on so many opportunities.

5. To not compromise who I am.
Not gonna lie this year has been tough! I have watched a lot of people who mean everything to me change into completly different people and do things they said they would never do! It has been sad to watch and i would say that the temptation and peer pressure is at an all time high in my life. I know who I am and that i am not like everyone eles and i want to be able to say i dont care about fitting in and doing what everyone eles is doing but i do and its hard. In this upcomming year I want to set the boundries for myself to be a leader and not a follower and to not live life in the grey areas. I want to do what i want to do and do what is right even if everyone eles says its wrong and not compromise for anybody. This life is too short for that kind of crap.

Overall i want to live this year with urgency and importance. The world didnt end litterally but look around. America has lost its sense of security, Society is screwed. It is in a way the end of the world. I am going to make the most of this year make an impact on as many people as I can, be the artist and humanitarian that i want to become with a caring sense for creation. 2013 is the year of opportunity. :)

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